With cycle four beginning in less than a week, it is time for a chemo recap.
They say learning and change happen at three levels: cognitive, affective and behavioral. First, we make sense of things in our heads. This, influences how we feel, which, in turn, influences how we act. So, as I look back at the first half of my chemo journey, I hope this mental checklist of take-aways will solidify my learnings and guide how I navigate the second half.
Shit happens: Cancer does not give you a heads-up.
Get back on the horse: When shit happens, give yourself time to pout and cry, then shake it off and fight.
Anxiety is inevitable: The unknown is scary, but anxiety fades away as you transition from myth to experience-based facts.
You can’t control it all: Sometimes you need to let go and even fall apart.
Deconstruct the problem into small parts: Taking everything on at once is overwhelming. Break down your battles into manageable chunks.